Key Milestones that Defined Modern Upstream Intensification Standards

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Key Milestones that Defined Modern Upstream Intensification Standards

Upstream bioprocess intensification has evolved over the past 20 years from an idea to a mature approach that has increased productivity by orders of magnitude and viable cell densities (VCD) in excess of 200 X 106 cell/mL. This webinar will walk through the key technical milestones achieved by the XCell ATF® technology over that span, providing a concise historical summary and definition of modern upstream intensification standards. Focus areas include controller and XCell ATF® advancements, transition to single-use, application extensions and key industry trends. While CHO cell lines expressing recombinant proteins remain the most common process, emerging applications include cultivated meat, cell therapies, animal vaccines, and plasmid DNA. Wholistic consideration of cell types, modalities, and scale-up from process development to manufacturing will provide context for the past, present and future of upstream intensification.

calendar icon Sep 29
clock icon 11:00 AM EDT