再生アイコン 動画ポスター
Ohhhh, snap!

In a snap, you can build a closed TangenX® SIUS® Gamma flow path. It’s that easy.

再生アイコン 動画ポスター
TFF genius

You’re not asking for too much. Combine high selectivity and reduced processing time. Become a TFF genius and get it all with TangenX® Membranes and TFF Devices.

再生アイコン 動画ポスター
Plug, play, walk away

Truly automate simple to multi-step TFF at 140 mL - 500 L and just…walk away.

再生アイコン 動画ポスター
Sweet hold-up volumes

You know that horrible feeling of watching precious material go to waste? Get rid of it. Configure a low hold-up volume KrosFlo® KTF System and ProConnex® Flow Path and recover more product. Every time.

再生アイコン 動画ポスター
The art of TFF origami

The limitless design, exquisite accuracy and elegant simplicity of origami have been brought to TFF systems. Configure your optimal KTF KrosFlo® TFF system from the same starting point to satisfy your specific process needs. We have systems down to a science … and an art.